Monday, March 21

Things I've learned......You need a good story...and a cell phone

When your husband/partner/insignificant other arrives in the bathroom an hour after you've announced that you were "going up to shave your legs and polish your toes" only to find you submerged in a tub of bubbles with a paperback, an empty glass of wine, the same chipped polish you started with an shaggy legs you need to have a good story ready...or you can bat your eyes and mention how sad it is that your glass is empty and if they really cared they'd have brought the bottle up. (diversionary tactics work on occasion)

Experienced bath takers bring their cell phones with them so they can text when the glass is empty so they don't have to wait for the "What the hell is taking so long up here?" question to get their refill.


Guinifer said...

ssshhh! - bring the bottle....

Chris said...

LOL at Guinifer's comment!